A new ultrasound machine for 2022?
For many of us, 2020 and 2021 have been emotionally pretty tough. For those of us in the animal health industries, they have also been two of the busiest years in memory. If you managed to take a breather during the Christmas period, you may now be thinking about how to make the last 24 months of hard work count. Reinvesting in bringing your business and skills to the next level is a great way to future-proof your business, and ensure your clients continue to choose you.
If you offer ultrasound as a service, you may already have noticed that clients are beginning to expect more from an ultrasound scan than ever before. If you have outgrown your current machine and would like to offer a more advanced service, including confident use of colour Doppler, it could be time for an upgrade. The Apogee 1000 Lite is becoming an increasingly popular upgrade option due to its stunning image quality, high-quality Doppler, and the support and training available with it from true ultrasound experts.
Save hundreds of pounds off a new machine
We can save you hundreds of pounds off your next machine and help you to bring your scanning to the next level. Contact us today to find out how much you could save by trading in your current machine.