Ovulation & Semen Analysis Starter Kit:
All of the items listed in our Starter Kit can be bought separately or as a complete kit to make your life a little bit easier. Here’s a brief breakdown of your kit components:
The Tetraview Microscope for Cytology:
A high resolution microscope for detecting the oestrus, ovulating period when the female will be most receptive to insemination. Equipped with a 2GB SD card for saving your analysis images and videos and a colour touch screen. An essential item to improve success rates of pregnancy.
iSperm 6 Portable Canine Semen Analyser with iPad Mini 6 Included
A wondrous piece of technology that enables you to analyse and compare semen samples in a matter of seconds! Simply drop your semen sample into an iSperm test chip, click into place and run analysis through the iSperm software. Within moments, you will have access to concentration, motility, velocity and the ability to store and send data direct to your clients. Not only that, the software allows you to build up a profile of an individual stud over time! Assessing viability of a dog’s semen has never been easier or more user friendly.
iSperm Test Chips
A pack of 50 test chips, specifically engineered for your iSperm and cost effective at less than £1 per individual sample analysis. Supplied directly to us from Aidmics (the manufacturers of iSperm) to create a seamless, stress-free experience.
MB 10 Day Chill Extender
An essential consumable to go along with your iSperm unit, this is used both for mixing with samples for analysis to create optimum conditions for the software to “read” and assess the sperm (mere drops are needed) and to literally extend the life of semen when chilled storage is necessary.
Bellylabs Pregnancy Test Kit
The first of its kind on the market, this easy to use, safe test is up to 96% accurate and is a good way to confirm canine pregnancy if you are not an ultrasound scanner or if one is not available.