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PortableUltrasoundMachines awarded trademark

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Finger On Pulse Ltd. (trading as PortableUltrasoundMachines) was awarded its trademark on the 22nd of January 2021, protecting the ‘ScanX’ name for the next ten years.

The ScanX ultrasound machine utilises the much-loved ScanPad software and interface, but has been adapted for use on a portable, WiFi-enabled tablet device.

While no trademark or design right registration will ever prevent others from copying, this trademark can reassure customers and partners that they are buying “the real thing” and enables us to continue our work and investment in improving the ScanX® year upon year. The ScanX® project has already put together an international team of professionals from England, Egypt, Brazil, Romania and The Philippines, and the software and hardware is being improved all the time. Our goals for the next two years include:

  • All software development and coding moved in-house, here in the United Kingdom
  • Integration of new artificial intelligence systems to support users, developed in the United Kingdom in partnership with our most trusted users and partners in the UK, USA and Canada
  • Sourcing of all transducer components from the UK, Europe and the United States.


Trade mark

The ScanX® ultrasound machine will be distributed directly through the website, and through select partners/distributors. Please note that PortableUltrasoundMachines is a separate company to those whose systems we also distribute: i.e. we are separate and independent from SIUI, Kai Xin, or Vet Image Solutions (VIS).