Nestled in the heart of Berkshire, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue stands as a vital refuge for distressed and injured hedgehogs. This dedicated sanctuary, founded by Shweta Saikumar, has grown into a registered charity devoted to the care and rehabilitation of these charming creatures. Shweta’s unwavering commitment to rescuing and nurturing sick and injured hedgehogs and abandoned baby hoglets has transformed the sanctuary into a crucial haven where these animals can recover and eventually return to the wild.
Earlier this year, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue acquired a ScanX ultrasound machine from Portable Ultrasound Machines (PUM), significantly enhancing their capabilities in providing top-notch care. During my visit, I had the pleasure of speaking with Shweta to learn more about the sanctuary’s mission, the incredible work they do, and how the new ScanX machine has revolutionised their daily operations and improved the welfare of these beloved creatures.
A Hedgehog Sanctuary With Heart
From the moment you enter the sanctuary (which is based in Shweta’s own home in a purpose customised space), it is clear that this is a refuge built from dedication and sincere compassion for the animals in Shweta’s charge. Concerned with providing the best care possible, Shweta completed the Hedgehog First Aid and Rehabilitation course through the Vale Wildlife Hospital and has worked tirelessly to increase her skillset as demand for her skills has grown. She tells me that her veterinary bill for May alone this year (2024) was over £2000. Out of necessity to keep costs down as much as possible, Shweta does as much treatment as she can herself seeking veterinary help when necessary, analysing fecal samples for parasites and scanning females on arrival with her ScanX to check for pregnancy.
[The ScanX] has really changed the way we work here. Especially in baby season.
Shweta Saikumar, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue founder.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Herbie’s has gone from humble origins to a raging success, expanding into a space that can accommodate 24 hedgehogs in specialised enclosures indoors and a further three in outdoor “quiet enclosures”; that’s not to mention the five abandoned baby hoglets that Shweta sleeps next to so that she can hand feed them every three hours day and night! So far this year, the sanctuary has taken in six pregnant hedgehogs that came in sick or injured needing additional space and care, which is the same number they received during the entirety of last year. When I ask her how she finds time to socialise, Shweta laughs and replies; “Socialising? I don’t have time!” Considering that Shweta and her partner work full time jobs in addition to running the sanctuary and caring for their own six rabbits, three chinchillas and a hamster, I can see her point.
Unfortunately, many hedgehogs sustain injuries from dogs or during gardening requiring veterinary treatment. Dogs and gardening work are also the main culprit for mothers abandoning nests of hoglets; a dog will pick up the babies (often causing harm) and scare away the mother. The lucky ones are found and brought to Herbie’s for hand rearing and eventual release into their natural habitat, but sadly, most nests are never found. This highlights the importance of keeping dogs on leads in signposted areas, particularly in the Spring and Summer seasons when hedgehogs are raising their young.
The ScanX: Revolutionising Hedgehog Care
As mentioned above, veterinary bills are a huge drain on funds for Herbie’s and other sanctuaries. As they don’t receive government funding, the charity depends on donations and volunteers and every purchase is out of necessity. One such purchase was our very own ScanX ultrasound machine:
The ScanX has been fantastic with our pregnancy protocol in the rescue because it helps with reducing the stress of the hogs/handling pregnant hedgehogs if they come in. It also helps with deciding what type of treatment the hedgehog needs.
Shweta Saikumar, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue founder.
As Shweta explained, before having the ScanX some female hedgehogs that came to the sanctuary would have to be taken to the vet to be scanned for pregnancy to inform choices about medications and also the size of their enclosure during their rehabilitation. Additionally, Shweta aims to rehabilitate and treat injured/sick pregnant females as quickly as possible so that she can return them to the wild for the birth of their young, meaning that ultrasound is a crucial first step in her protocol. Apart from the huge additional cost of visiting the vet for every scan, another consideration was the stress that it puts on the animals; hedgehogs see humans as predators and therefore close contact is upsetting for them, so avoiding an additional car journey and unnecessary interaction with extra people is a massive advantage.
I wanted the best machine that had reliable support, so I wasn’t ready to buy something off Ebay… A lot of rescues contact each other asking for recommendations and ScanX was recommended by another hedgehog rescue… As a charity, funds are always tight for us so I wanted to get the best value out of the money that was invested.
Shweta Saikumar, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue founder
Investing in ultrasound equipment is a costly but worthy undertaking, as attested by Shweta; buying the best you can afford, from a reputable company that offers ongoing, expert support is absolutely nonnegotiable.
Hedgehog Myths Debunked, And A Scanners Top Tip!
Myth: You should feed hedgehogs milk/bread.
FACT: Leaving out any brand of dry cat kibbles and a shallow bowl of water keeps them nourished, hydrated and helps with dental hygiene. You can also give wet cat food or a combination of wet and dry, but dry biscuits are ideal. This is beneficial all year round.
Myth: Hedgehogs hibernate through winter.
FACT: Climate change has interfered with natural cycles. Many hedgehogs are coming out of hibernation earlier each year and some hibernate intermittently.
Myth: Hedgehogs only come out at night.
FACT: Most hedgehogs only come out at night. BUT, pregnant or lactating females sometimes go in search of bedding or extra food if necessary in the daytime. Males/females that are not pregnant have no reason to go out when it is light, so this could be a sign of illness. If you see a hedgehog out during the day, it could be in distress! Please contact your local sanctuary or vet.
TOP TIP: How do you scan a hedgehog without it curling into a ball? Shweta had the answer…
As every rehabber knows, you have to tickle the hedgehog a little bit and be absolutely quiet!
Shweta Saikumar, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue founder
It was an absolute privilege to be welcomed into Herbie’s and I am so grateful to Shweta for taking time out of her busy day to speak with me. If you would like to support the sanctuary, please donate today or buy something from Herbie’s wishlist to ensure that Shweta’s wonderful work can continue.
At PUM, we put everything into developing the best possible ultrasound solutions to important problems. Everything we sell has been tested and validated for that specific application, which is also why we are able to offer unbeatable support in its use.
If you’d like more information about the ScanX ultrasound machine or alternatives for small creatures, please contact our experts today.
Thank you Shweta!